10 Natural Ways to Keep Flies Out of Your House

Flies buzzing around your house can be irritating and unhygienic. However, there are natural and effective ways to keep them at bay. From essential oils to DIY traps, these simple methods can help you prevent flies from infiltrating your living space. By implementing these 10 techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy a fly-free home and maintain a clean and pest-free environment for you and your family. Say goodbye to those pesky invaders and hello to a peaceful and fly-free haven!

1. Keep doors and windows closed

One of the simplest ways to prevent flies from entering your house is by keeping your doors and windows closed. Flies are attracted to food sources and open spaces, so ensuring that your doors and windows are tightly shut can significantly reduce their entry points.

Install screens on windows

Installing screens on your windows is an effective way to keep flies out while still allowing fresh air to circulate. Window screens act as barriers, preventing flies and other insects from entering your home. Make sure the screens are in good condition and free from tears or holes to ensure maximum protection.

Use door sweeps

To further reinforce your defenses against flies, consider installing door sweeps on the bottom of your doors. These simple devices create a seal between the door and the floor, preventing flies from sneaking in through small gaps. Door sweeps are easy to install and can be an excellent long-term solution for keeping flies out.

Seal cracks and gaps

Take the time to thoroughly inspect your doors and windows for any cracks or gaps that might serve as entry points for flies. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these openings and prevent flies from finding their way inside. Remember to pay attention to areas where wiring or plumbing enters your home, as these can often harbor hidden gaps where flies can enter.

2. Create natural barriers

In addition to physical barriers, you can also harness the power of nature to create natural barriers that repel flies.

Use citronella plants

Citronella plants are well-known for their ability to repel flies and other insects. Planting a few citronella plants near your windows or in your garden can help deter flies from coming near your home. Not only will these plants keep flies at bay, but they also add a delightful fragrance to your outdoor space.

Hang up a bag of cloves

Cloves have a strong and distinct smell that flies find unpleasant. Simply place a handful of cloves in a small mesh bag and hang it near doors and windows to deter flies from entering. This natural fly repellent is easy to make and can be a simple yet effective solution.

Place rosemary, lavender, or mint around windows

Flies dislike the strong scent of herbs such as rosemary, lavender, and mint. By placing pots of these herbs around your windows, you can create a natural barrier that discourages flies from coming too close. Not only are these herbs fragrant and aesthetically pleasing, but they also serve as great additions to your culinary adventures.

10 Natural Ways to Keep Flies Out of Your House

3. Maintain cleanliness

Flies are attracted to food sources and unclean environments, so maintaining cleanliness is crucial in keeping them out of your house.

Remove trash regularly

Regularly emptying your trash cans or bins is essential for preventing flies from being drawn to the smell of rotting food. Make it a habit to dispose of trash in sealed bags and promptly take them outside. Keeping your trash area clean and free from spills or leaks will further discourage fly infestations.

Clean up spills immediately

Flies are attracted to spills and food remnants, so it is crucial to clean up any spills or crumbs as soon as they occur. Wipe down countertops, tables, and other surfaces to ensure that no food particles are left behind. By eliminating potential food sources, you make your home less inviting to flies.

Keep countertops, dishes, and floors clean

Maintaining clean countertops, dishes, and floors is essential in minimizing fly activity in your home. Wash dishes promptly after use and avoid leaving food out for extended periods. Regularly sweep and mop your floors to remove any food residues that may attract flies. By practicing good hygiene habits, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a fly infestation.

4. Try homemade fly repellents

Homemade fly repellents can be effective alternatives to chemical-based products, providing a natural and safe way to keep flies away from your home.

Make a vinegar and dish soap trap

One popular homemade fly trap is made by combining vinegar and dish soap. Fill a shallow bowl with vinegar and add a few drops of dish soap. The vinegar attracts flies, while the dish soap reduces the surface tension, causing the flies to drown. Place the bowl near areas where flies are commonly found, and watch as the trap works its magic.

Use essential oils as a spray

Certain essential oils, such as eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint, are known for their fly-repellent properties. You can create a DIY fly spray by mixing water with a few drops of your preferred essential oil and spraying it around windows, doorways, and other fly-prone areas. Not only will your home smell lovely, but it will also repel flies.

Create a mixture of apple cider vinegar and cloves

Similar to the bag of cloves, a mixture of apple cider vinegar and cloves can serve as a powerful fly repellent. Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and add a handful of cloves. Shake the mixture well and spray it around doors, windows, and any areas where flies tend to gather. The scent will help deter flies and keep them at bay.

10 Natural Ways to Keep Flies Out of Your House

5. Keep food covered

Flies are notorious for their attraction to uncovered food, so taking steps to keep your food covered is essential in preventing infestations.

Use food covers or mesh lids

When dining or preparing food outdoors, use food covers or mesh lids to keep flies away from your meals. These covers create a physical barrier that prevents flies from landing on your food. With various sizes and designs available, you can find food covers that suit your needs and add a touch of elegance to your outdoor dining experience.

Store food in airtight containers

Inside your home, it is crucial to store food in airtight containers to keep it safe from flies. Flies are adept at detecting food odors even from a distance, so sealing your food in airtight bags or containers will prevent them from being attracted to your pantry. Additionally, this measure helps keep your food fresh for longer periods.

Clean food spills and crumbs

Accidental spills and food crumbs are magnets for flies, so it is crucial to clean them up promptly. Wipe down surfaces and sweep the floor after meals to eliminate any food particles that may attract flies. By maintaining a clean environment, you reduce the chances of flies infesting your home.

6. Maintain your outdoor surroundings

Keeping your outdoor surroundings tidy and well-maintained can play a significant role in minimizing fly populations near your home.

Keep garbage cans tightly sealed

Flies are naturally drawn to garbage, so it is vital to keep your garbage cans tightly sealed. Ensure that the lids are secure and free from any cracks or gaps where flies can enter. Regularly empty and clean your garbage cans to further reduce the likelihood of fly infestations.

Dispose of pet waste promptly

Pet waste, particularly in outdoor spaces, can attract flies and contribute to their breeding. Promptly pick up and dispose of pet waste in designated areas away from your house. By doing so, you minimize the allure for flies and maintain a cleaner environment for you and your pets.

Trim trees and shrubs near windows

Trees and shrubs that are too close to your windows can provide easy access for flies to enter your home. Keep branches trimmed and maintained to minimize the chances of flies finding their way inside. Additionally, trimming trees and shrubs helps improve air circulation and reduces moisture, which are other factors that attract flies.

7. Use natural fly repellents

Natural repellents can be simple yet effective tools in repelling flies and keeping them away from your living spaces.

Hang up a bag of water with pennies

While it may sound strange, hanging up a transparent bag filled with water and a few pennies can deter flies. The movement of light through the water irritates their compound eyes, leading them to stay away. Hang these bags near windows or other areas where flies are commonly found, and let this natural deterrent work its magic.

Create a vinegar fly spray

Vinegar is excellent for repelling flies, and creating a DIY vinegar spray is simple. Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spray this solution around doors, windows, and any fly-prone areas. The strong scent of vinegar repels flies, making it an effective natural fly repellent.

Place cucumber slices around fly-prone areas

Cucumbers have a refreshing scent that humans enjoy, but flies find it repulsive. Placing cucumber slices around fly-prone areas, such as windowsills or outdoor dining spaces, can deter flies from entering. As an added bonus, cucumbers can also serve as a refreshing snack for you and your family!

8. Keep pet areas clean

Flies are attracted to pet waste and food, making it essential to maintain cleanliness in your pet’s living areas.

Clean litter boxes and bedding regularly

If you have cats, cleaning their litter boxes regularly is essential in preventing fly infestations. Flies are drawn to the scent of cat waste, so changing the litter regularly and keeping the litter boxes clean and odor-free will help discourage fly activity. Similarly, washing and disinfecting pet bedding will eliminate any potential food sources for flies.

Remove pet waste immediately

Promptly removing pet waste from your yard or outdoor areas is crucial in preventing flies from being attracted to it. Flies are naturally drawn to animal waste, so dispose of it in designated areas or use pet waste bags that seal tightly. By taking these steps, you minimize the chances of flies lingering around your pet’s living areas.

Avoid leaving pet food exposed for long periods

Flies are opportunistic feeders and will gladly feast on exposed pet food. To prevent flies from swarming around your pet’s food, only leave it out for a limited time during feeding periods. When your pet has finished eating, promptly remove any leftover food and store it in a sealed container. This not only keeps flies away but also helps preserve the freshness of the food.

9. Install fly traps

Fly traps can be an effective way to catch and eliminate flies from your home.

Use sticky fly paper

Sticky fly paper is a traditional and time-tested method for trapping flies. Hang sticky fly paper near doors, windows, or other areas where flies frequently enter. The adhesive surface of the paper attracts and catches flies, preventing them from buzzing around your living spaces. Replace the sticky fly paper as needed to ensure its effectiveness.

Set up UV light fly traps

UV light fly traps are designed to attract flies with their ultraviolet light and trap them inside a container. These traps are particularly effective at night when flies are more active. Place UV light fly traps in areas with high fly concentrations, such as garbage areas or near pet living spaces. Regularly empty the traps and clean them to maintain their efficiency.

Place jar traps filled with a sweet bait

Creating your homemade jar traps can be an effective way to catch and eliminate flies. Fill a jar with a sweet bait, such as honey or sugar water, and cover the opening with plastic wrap. Poke small holes in the plastic wrap to allow flies to enter the jar but prevent them from escaping. Place these traps near doors, windows, or other areas where flies are commonly found. Regularly clean and replace the baits to ensure the traps remain effective.

10. Seek professional pest control if necessary

If all your efforts fail to keep flies out of your house or the infestation becomes severe, it may be time to seek professional pest control assistance.

Contact a local pest control service

Local pest control services have the expertise and experience to effectively handle fly infestations. They can assess the situation, determine the best course of action, and implement targeted treatments to eliminate the flies from your home. Contact a reputable pest control service in your area and schedule a consultation to discuss your fly problem.

Consider natural pest control alternatives

If you prefer a more eco-friendly approach, consider hiring a pest control service that specializes in natural pest control methods. These professionals utilize organic and environmentally friendly products to address fly infestations while minimizing harm to humans, pets, and the ecosystem. Discuss your preferences with the pest control service to find a solution that aligns with your values.

Follow their advice for long-term prevention

When working with a pest control professional, it is crucial to follow their advice and recommendations for long-term fly prevention. They can provide guidance on sealing entry points, maintaining cleanliness, and implementing preventive measures specific to your home. By heeding their advice, you can significantly reduce the chances of future fly infestations and enjoy a fly-free living environment.

In conclusion, by adopting these natural methods and practices, you can effectively keep flies out of your house. From maintaining cleanliness to utilizing natural fly repellents and employing physical barriers, there are numerous ways to deter flies and create a fly-free living environment. Remember to be consistent and proactive in implementing these measures to enjoy a home free from bothersome flies.