Why Are Flies in My Garage a Problem?

Have you ever wondered why flies seem to always find their way into your garage? It may seem like a small inconvenience, but these buzzing pests can actually be a problem for a number of reasons. From contaminating food and surfaces to spreading diseases, flies can pose health risks and create an unhygienic environment. In this article, we will explore the reasons why flies in your garage can be a nuisance and discuss effective solutions to keep them at bay. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and tackle this not-so-tiny issue together!

Reasons for Flies in the Garage

Attracted by Food Sources

Flies are commonly found in garages because they are attracted to the presence of food sources. Garages often have food spills, garbage cans, or pet food stored in them, which can draw flies in. Flies have a keen sense of smell and are especially attracted to decaying organic matter. The presence of food in the garage provides a perfect feeding ground for flies, leading them to infest the area.

Seeking Shelter and Breeding Sites

Another reason for flies in the garage is their search for shelter and suitable breeding sites. Garages offer protection from the elements, making them an appealing place for flies to take refuge. Additionally, garages often provide dark and undisturbed areas where flies can lay their eggs and propagate their population. The warm and relatively closed-off environment of a garage makes it an attractive breeding ground for flies.

Attracted to Warmth and Light

Flies are attracted to warmth and light, which can also explain their presence in the garage. Garages, particularly during the summer months, can become heated due to the direct sunlight they receive. This warmth acts as a magnet for flies seeking a comfortable habitat. Additionally, flies are naturally attracted to bright light sources, and the open garage door or windows can serve as an invitation for them to enter.

Why Are Flies in My Garage a Problem?

Problems Caused by Flies in the Garage

Contamination and Health Risks

The presence of flies in the garage can pose significant health risks and lead to contamination. Flies are known to carry various disease-causing pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, on their bodies and in their droppings. When flies land on surfaces in the garage, such as food preparation areas or stored items, they can transfer these pathogens, increasing the risk of contamination and potential illness transmission.

Damage to Stored Items

Flies can also cause damage to items stored in the garage. They are notorious for their habit of feeding on organic materials, such as wood, paper, and fabric. If infestations go unnoticed or untreated, flies can damage valuable or sentimental items stored in the garage, such as furniture, clothing, or documents. Furthermore, their constant presence and activity can result in unsightly stains or marks on these items.

Nuisance and Discomfort

The constant buzzing and presence of flies in the garage can be a significant nuisance and source of discomfort. Flies have a relentless nature and tend to be highly active during the daytime, which can disrupt peaceful activities or working in the garage. Their persistent buzzing sound can be distracting and irritating, making it difficult to focus on tasks. Additionally, the constant presence of flies can create an overall uncomfortable environment, reducing the enjoyment of spending time in the garage.

Why Are Flies in My Garage a Problem?

Prevention and Control of Flies in the Garage

Eliminating Food Sources

To prevent and control flies in the garage, it is essential to eliminate any potential food sources. Regularly clean the garage, removing any food spills or residues. Make sure to seal garbage cans tightly and dispose of waste promptly. Additionally, avoid storing pet food or other perishable items in open containers in the garage. By minimizing the availability of food, you can discourage flies from being attracted to the area.

Removing Breeding Sites

Another crucial step in fly control is removing potential breeding sites. Regularly inspect the garage for any standing water or moist areas, as these can serve as breeding grounds for flies. Remove any sources of moisture, such as leaky pipes or containers, and ensure proper ventilation to keep the garage dry. Additionally, clean up any decaying organic matter, such as dead insects or plant debris, as they can attract flies looking for suitable locations to lay their eggs.

Sealing Entry Points

Preventing flies from entering the garage is essential in controlling their population. Inspect the garage for any gaps, cracks, or openings that may serve as entry points for flies. Seal these entry points with caulk or weatherstripping to prevent their access. Furthermore, ensure that the garage door and windows fit tightly and are properly screened to prevent flies from entering. Taking these measures will help reduce the number of flies entering the garage from the outside.

Using Repellents and Traps

There are various fly repellents and traps available that can aid in controlling fly populations in the garage. Fly repellents can be applied to surfaces or sprayed in the air to deter flies from landing or entering the area. Fly traps, such as sticky traps or UV light traps, can help capture and eliminate flies that are already present. Place these traps strategically in the garage to attract and trap flies, reducing their numbers over time.

Why Are Flies in My Garage a Problem?

Professional Fly Control Options

Hiring a Pest Control Service

If the fly infestation in your garage is severe or persistent, it may be beneficial to seek professional help by hiring a pest control service. Pest control professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools to effectively eliminate flies from the garage. They can employ various methods, including insecticides and targeted treatments, to eradicate existing flies and prevent future infestations. Consulting with a pest control service can provide a comprehensive and long-lasting solution to your fly problem.

Installation of Fly Screens

Installing fly screens on openings, such as doors and windows, can be an effective way to prevent flies from entering the garage. Fly screens act as a physical barrier that allows air circulation but blocks the entry of flies and other insects. They are typically made of a fine mesh material that prevents even the smallest flies from entering. By installing fly screens, you can enjoy fresh air while keeping flies out of your garage.

Fly Lights

Fly lights, or bug zappers, are another professional fly control option commonly used in commercial settings but can also be installed in residential garages. These devices attract flies using ultraviolet light and then electrocute them upon contact. Fly lights can be strategically placed in the garage to lure and eliminate flies. They are most effective when used in conjunction with other fly control methods, such as eliminating food sources and sealing entry points.

Why Are Flies in My Garage a Problem?


Having flies in the garage can be a nuisance and a potential health hazard. Understanding the reasons why flies are attracted to the garage and the problems they can cause is essential in implementing effective prevention and control measures. By eliminating food sources, removing breeding sites, sealing entry points, and using repellents or traps, you can significantly reduce the presence of flies in your garage. If the infestation persists, consider seeking professional help from a pest control service or explore options like fly screens and fly lights. Taking proactive steps to control flies in the garage will create a cleaner, healthier, and more pleasant environment for you to enjoy.

Why Are Flies in My Garage a Problem?